dimanche 9 mars 2014

Justin Bieber's Egging Case Still Hasn't Been Filed! See What The Hold Up Is HERE!

justin bieber egging case still not filed
He’s not getting off the hook for this one.
Justin Bieber egged his neighbor’s Calabasas home awhile back, but the D.A. hasnt filed the case because they haven’t decided how to approach it!
There are reportedly two big issues that are keeping the case from going forward because they haven’t decided if it’s a misdemeanor or a felony.
The first issue is finding out how much the egged home really cost to fix, not just the $20,000 estimate the homeowner gave. They’re also looking at other cases and weighing the options since this was pretty blatant vandalism.
However, the fact that Lil Za already got charged with felony vandalism when he broke that $400 phone in jail is throwing a wrench into things too.
You’d think with all of that security footage they’d have an egg-celent case against the Biebs, but maybe that’s not the situation at all!
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